List of teachers of Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta has had many teachers over the centuries in India and other countries. This article lists some of the major teachers. Adi Shankaracharya was the most prominent in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta to formulate its doctrine in his many works. There are many contemporary "living" teachers of advaita or non duality. Just google "advaita" and browse the results. Many are people with a clear understanding of and perhaps direct experience of non duality, few are uncompromisingly clear. Discretion is required in weeding out those that will re-inforce the illusion of the separate self and those who speak uncompromisingly and spontaneously from presence.


Sages and saints

Recent Jagadgurus of Peethams

Other teachers


  1. ^ a b Divine Life Society Official Website
  2. ^ Official Website